Sunday 24 November 2019

I'm back in business - hopefully.

For 7 months I haven't had the ability to transfer photographs from my camera to my laptop and thence to my blog,  so huge apologies for my absence.  I think I'm now set up again; I sincerely hope so.  Photo quality may not be all it should be as I haven't figured out how to edit them yet - it's a learning curve!

So for now, can I introduce you to Flora?  Flora lives close to Seaton Country Park and every day she comes down from her home with a bag of duck food and another bag of food for the seagulls. The ducks start to emerge from the river and waddle across the grass to the bench where Flora sets her bag down at about 3.30pm.  The seagulls appear from above, screeching and flapping to get their share of the food and settle around her feet.  

Flora lifts the seagull food out of her little trolley.

The amazing thing about this is that having received their allocation of food, the seagulls, who would normally pester and screech for more, seem satisfied and simply fly away, leaving Flora to walk away quietly wth her ducks!

As she walks  along, she is making a hole in one corner of the duck food bag -

- so that she can pour a line of food on the ground, enabling all the ducks to eat without fighting 
over one single heap. All very civilised - and n.ot a seagull in sight

Bag emptied and job done for Flora.  Until the next day at 3.30pm.


  1. I sympathise with not being able to transfer photos from your camera to your laptop - I've recently had a similar problem in that I couldn't transfer any photos I've taken since my September holiday in Ireland, it turned out that somehow the camera card had been corrupted. A new card solved the problem and I'm back in business again now.

    I love Flora's way of feeding the ducks and the seagulls to make sure they all get their share without fighting - long may she continue :-)

  2. Woo hoo! You're back! And bringing us a new friend in Flora.

    Only disappointment is that Benji isn't here yet. Soon - yes?

  3. How very lovely. You could almost make it into a children's book with illustrations.
    So glad you are back.

  4. What a clever way to feed the seagulls, send them on their way happy and then very carefully feed the ducks, I love it :-)

  5. It was astonishing to see that the seagulls were satisfied and went away, not at all like normal seagull behaviour. They are such greedy birds and once they know there's food about, they screech and squabble, attracting more and more gulls until the source of the food is gone.
    As for Benji, he was on a tight lead, held firmly to prevent a mass slaughter! My sweet little dog cannot be trusted around small creatures - ducks, rabbits, squirrels . . . . and sheep.

  6. Flora's method of feeding is thoughtful and humane. Maybe the seagulls know from experience that they don't like the duck food? In any case, it's good that she has figured out a method that works. Seagulls aren't exactly known for being shy around food :)

    Good luck with your photo editing. They look just fine to me as they are!


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