I set out to deliver an article to an address in a nearby village but because I didn't know that area very well - and it was a lovely, sunny day - I decided to drive further and explore the lanes, camera in hand. Just look at the beautiful Primroses growing along the hedges.
In the distance - the Parish Church of St. Melor, Linkinhorne.
Obviously, these lanes are EXTREMELY quiet!
I couldn't possibly disturb him, so I turned the other way!
Kerney Bridge crossing the River Lyhner at Golberdon.
And there was a footpath alongside the river - "Come on, Zac!"
But quite soon, the path turned left and started a gentle climb up through the woods.
We came upon fallen trees . . . .
. . . and this one, which completely blocked the path, signalled the end of our walk
So we made our way down towards the river again, the path bordered by wild Garlic - I love the aroma of the wild garlic and so, it seems, does Zac!
Oh no! There's the car, but in front of us and blocking our exit, is a padlocked gate and a stile (which Zac couldn't possibly negotiate).
But someone had peeled back the wire netting from the side of the stile and Zac managed to squeeze through the gap.
Thank goodness he could get through that gap; I really didn't fancy climbing back up through the woods again on that hilly route.