He is a changed dog! After 2 weeks, he has conquered his fear of dogs, children, people in general and has met, for the first time, sheep, cattle and ponies.
Whereas he would stand rigid with fear whenever another dog approached him, he is now happy to accept them and even sniff back.
Next Friday, I have arranged to have him weighed again at the groomers; it will be 2 weeks since he weighed in at a massive 17.15 kgs. and I am hoping that he will have lost some weight, what with the daily walks and healthier diet. At least I will be able to tell whether I have his portions about right.
I'm very happy that he is friendly around children; here he goes off with my two youngest grandchildren with just an occasional backward glance to check I'm still there.

Guess who has fallen in love!
There was very nearly an argument between this Belted Galloway cow and one very small dog - Benji objected when the cow turned to look at him, so he 'wuff'ed at her. She lowered her head and stepped towards him, so we beat a hasty retreat. Just look at that expression; she looks quite annoyed, doesn't she?
Benji also found out that when a ewe positions herself between her new lamb and an irritating dog and stamps her foot - she means business. Once again, we retreated. Only part of Benji appears on the photo because I was trying to reel him in at the same time as focus my camera!
Anyone for garlic? The Cornish lanes are smothered this year and the scent of garlic is amazing. I love it.
I found a bank of this white-flowering plant, which I thought might be Vinca - but the petals are the wrong shape. I'd be grateful for help with identifying it.
And above all, a wonderful deep blue sky - with sunshine.