Sunday 15 November 2020

 I guess if we didn't have lots of rain, we wouldn't have such a beautifully green county - and judging by the amount of rain that fell on us in recent weeks this theory should be well and truly proved over the next year or so.  

The view from the kitchen window, the front window and just for a change, from the car window.

So, what with the weather conditions (we've had fierce winds as well, bringing down branches and even whole trees) plus the current lockdown restrictions, it's been a stay-at-home  time with little or nothing to blog about and to photograph.
I seem to be falling to bits and my home along with me!  I'm still unable to wear enclosed shoes, so if I go out it's in my summer sandals and in home I wear slippers to avoid pressure on my still-blackened big toes. There's very little 'going out' as most days we have fierce winds and heavy rain showers, though it's reasonably mild.  I was due to have a cataract operation and I was looking forward to much improved eyesight - it's all blurry and out of focus at present - but that has been postponed. I was told that I'm still 'on the list' but I'm guessing a new date won't be forthcoming until after lockdown has ended, whenever that might be.
What with arthritis (made worse by all the wet weather), diabetes, a general lack of fitness due to not exercising and all the usual creaks and twinges, I am feeling like an old crock! 
The house is coming out in sympathy and is determined to have issues of its own: the bathroom light, a central globe thingy, pinged when I pulled the cord switch and has died.  But there are 2 lights above the sink, on the shaver point . . . . well, there WERE 2 lights - now one of them has also died!  So I take my showers during daylight hours, just in case the remaining little light decides to pop its clogs.

Speaking of the shower - it is the type with a waterfall shower head directly above and a directional shower hose - the one I prefer. And would you believe?  That one has split so water comes out of the split instead of the shower head.  
So I went online and bought a replacement.  When it came, I was unable to work out how to fix it in place.  Grrr!  Then I found it had the wrong 'ends' for my shower; it is not a standard fitting. 'sigh'
When buying online, it's impossible to tell from the illustration or the description if any hose has the fittings that I need - so that can't be sorted until the shop is open and trading again.
The waterfall shower is rather useless when trying to rinse shampoo from my hair - and impossible to use to give my Bichon his fortnightly shower.  He hates rain and to him, that waterfall is definitely rain! 
(He usually stands perfectly happily to have a shower and has no objections to the directional hose removing lather from his curly coat.)
Outside, the paths need jet-washing, particularly the one that leads from the garage to the garden; it is on the north side and receives no sun, so algae turns it into a skating rink.  I found that out a few days ago when I was putting the recycling out for collection - one step on to that section of path and I fell, luckily against the fence so I didn't crash to the floor.  Phew! (I just had a thought - I wonder if my toes would object to wearing my wellies rather than sandals, then I could do the jet-washing????) I will try that out. 

Well, enough of my woes and enough of the dark days.  I am looking forward to The Shortest Day, or rather the days that follow.  Roll on, December the 21st. After that, the days will lengthen and the darkness will gradually lift - YESSSS! With a bit of luck, the lockdown might be ended as well AND we can surround ourselves with pretty coloured lights for Christmas. 
The first photograph is of Crantock village; almost every house, business, tree, fence - basically anything that didn't move and some that did, was beautifully decorated with lights.

And this last one is of Mousehole's Christmas lights last year. Sadly, they are cancelled this year.

(Photograph from the internet; no copyright infringement intended.)


  1. Blackened toes are worrying,do you need to get them checked?

    1. No, they will be ok ; it's just dried blood underneath the nail. It will disappear as the nails continue to grow.

  2. In spite of your various problems and disasters you've written this post in a very lighthearted way and parts of it made me smile. I hope your blackened toes are healing and you manage to get the shower hose/lights/garden path sorted out without any more damage to yourself. I love the last photo even if you did pinch it from the internet - Mousehole certainly looks very bright and colourful :)

    1. It's a wonderful sight to see; well worth a trip down to Mousehole (Mowsel).

  3. The weather certainly brings out all the creaks doesn't it!
    We are having it wet here too..we are on clay, so you can imagine the state of the garden!

    1. We excel in wet weather in Cornwall and living on the edge of Bodmin Moor provides plenty of it! And fog . . and fierce winds.

  4. Oh you poor love, I know things are said to come in "threes" but you've got far too much on your plate right now.

    A friend of mine has had some excrutiatingly painful toe problems and I do understand how difficult it is to maintain an exercise regime if you cannot wear the right shoes, especially in winter.

    Have you seen the velcro fastening ones that are designed for people with bunions and the like? She bought some online and they have been life changing - not the height of fashion but they mean she can get out in all weathers (they've a decent grippy sole).

  5. I don't think even the velcro fastenings would help; it's the closed toes that put pressure on the nails. In the meantime, I am careful where I put my sandal-clad tootsies!

  6. It never rains when it pours! Literally, in some cases. Seeing the photo of Mousehole, made me sad. We used to go there regularly when we stayed at my great auntie’s in Penzance, when I was growing up.
    It’s my favourite place and I haven’t been there, or anywhere in Cornwall, this year. Although I’m only in the next county, it didn’t seem right to visit this year.

    1. Oh Ann, I do hope next year will give us more freedom to travel; I so miss going to the beach, but after a couple of fruitless attempts when I found the place crawling with people and not a parking space to be found, I haven't tried again. Literally thousands flocked to Cornwall - then acted as though Covid didn't exist down here. Utter madness.

  7. It is irksome when the little things begin to go wrong. I can generally handle full blown disaster much better than I can a series of unfortunate (and small) events.

    1. It's very frustrating when I realise I can no longer fix things myself, Debby, either because I can't kneel down to reach 'under the sink' leaks, or my arthritic hands can't grip like they used to. I've always been pretty independent and I hate that I can't manage any more. Grrrr!!!


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